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Ukraine crisis

New strikes targeted Ukraine's capital Kiev on Tuesday as the Russian military campaign entered its 20th day. Several areas including two residential blocks were struck. The attacks set the buildings on fire. At least two people are confirmed dead. Russian forces have surrounded Kiev from three directions and have been pounding it and other cities with airstrikes and shelling. Russia’s defense ministry says its forces are now in control of the entire Kherson region in the south. Meanwhile, the death toll from an airstrike on a TV tower in a northern city has risen to 19. Russian and Ukrainian negotiators are currently engaged in the fourth round of truce talks. The Ukrainian president described the latest round that started on Monday as positive. Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia is already realizing that it will not achieve anything by war. 

India hijab ban

A court in India’s southern state of Karnataka upholds a ban on hijab in schools and colleges, sparking fears of discrimination against the minority Muslim community. The court ruling says wearing the hijab is not an essential Islamic religious practice. The ruling comes weeks after state-wide protests over the ban. The Muslim community in the state argues that their women have worn the hijab for decades, just as Hindus and Christians have observed their own symbols. But that has been met with backlash from radical Hindu groups. Critics accuse authorities in Karnataka, which is ruled by the Hindu nationalist party BJP, of seeking to drive a wedge between religious communities. India is home to some 200 million Muslims and there are fears that such discrimination could spread to other parts of the country.

Israelis on killing spree

Israeli forces have killed three Palestinian youth, hours apart, as tensions run high across the occupied territories. Nader Rayan, 17, was shot dead during confrontations at the Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus. Three others were injured. Israeli forces also killed another young Palestinian, alleging that he shot at a special force officer who was trying to arrest him in the Rahat area in Nagab. And the third victim was killed in a separate attack in Qalandia.

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