Palestine3 months ago
London protesters call for end to Israel's genocidal war in Gaza
Thousands of protesters have once again taken to the streets in London to condemn Israel’s ongoing atrocities in the Gaza Strip and demand an immediate halt to the regime’s genocidal war in the besieged territory.
London protesters call for end to Israel's genocidal war in Gaza
Palestine4 months ago
'I saw most appalling atrocities': UK surgeon who volunteered in Gaza
Four medical doctors from the US, UK, and France shared their experiences in Gaza at the United Nations.
'I saw most appalling atrocities': UK surgeon who volunteered in Gaza
Politics5 months ago
Iran’s Judiciary chief urges all Muslims to stand up against Israel
Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei called on the Muslim Ummah to exert more political pressure on the United States to push Israel into ending the massacre of the Palestinians.
Iran’s Judiciary chief urges all Muslims to stand up against Israel
Politics7 months ago
Iran urges countries with ancient civilizations to stop Israeli crimes in Gaza
The Iranian foreign minister says countries with ancient civilizations must stop the ongoing Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Iran urges countries with ancient civilizations to stop Israeli crimes in Gaza
Politics8 months ago
Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial
Iran’s top human rights official says criminal Israeli authorities must be brought to trial for their atrocities against Palestinians.
Iran's top rights official: Criminal Israeli leaders must stand trial
Politics8 months ago
Iran Army chief: Israel’s atrocious campaign in Gaza devoid of military value
Iran’s Army chief says the brutal Israeli military onslaught against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip is devoid of any military value.
Iran Army chief: Israel’s atrocious campaign in Gaza devoid of military value
Politics8 months ago
Iran, Russia demand cessation of Israel's atrocities in besieged Gaza
Senior Iranian and Russian diplomats stress the need for immediate cessation of the Israeli regime’s atrocities in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Iran, Russia demand cessation of Israel's atrocities in besieged Gaza
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