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Banks fear US sanctions over Iran ties: Analyst

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei ©

Press TV has interviewed Nader Bagherzadeh, a political analyst in California, about Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei warning of enemy plots to hinder Iran’s progress.

A rough transcription of the interview appears below.

Press TV: As we have just heard the comments of the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution saying that Iran has abided by its commitments under the JCPOA, however at the same time the West has certain expectations. What are these expectations?  

Bagherzadeh: I think one of the important expectations is that the money that is held back in some of these European banks should be released. The estimate is between 50 to 70 billion dollars, there are different numbers, and apparently from what we have seen and read on the news is that the European banks are concerned or perhaps even scared of potential sanctions or perhaps in the future problems with the United States related to non-nuclear sanctions and this is a problem that could be resolved but the fear of these banks [is] not something that can anything to be done with it, it seems to me that they have to get over that and from what we have read in the news recently is that the second and third tier Italian banks are working with Iran but not the top banks in Italy and other European countries.

So this fear has to be resolved. Unfortunately this was not covered in the agreement, perhaps the agreement should have tightened up to deal with this fear which is really hard to handle anyway.

Press TV: Well at the same time though the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, also the Iranian government has criticized the US for failing to fulfill a major part of its commitments under the JCPOA.

Bagherzadeh: Yes, I think to some extent, I think Mr. Kerry said as such that ..., I mean we saw it in the news that he asked the banks to proceed with this but unfortunately they are not doing it.

So the notion of the fear of the banks from the US is something that should have been clarified, that if they do this then the agreement is moot but unfortunately maybe this was not seen or perhaps it was not included in the agreement and this is why there are numerous discussions with Ms Mogherini and others to resolve this matter which has to do with the JCPOA and in terms of how do the banks deal with this concern they have.

As you may recall, some of these European banks were fined hundreds of millions of dollars in the past couple of years but that does not prevent them from moving forward with this agreement that Iran has as you mentioned, and the Leadership has said Iran has fulfilled all of their commitments. The IAEA report is indicating that, the last one that came out a week or so ago.

There has to be a collective effort from both sides and I think my concern is not so much about what Mr. Kerry has said, is what will happen January of 2017 when the new government comes to the White House.  

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