Zarif: West will not stop enmity toward Iran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Java Zarif attends a parliament session in Tehran, on June 12, 2016. (Photo by IRNA)

These are some of the headlines we are tracking for you in this edition of Press TV's Top 5:

  • The death toll from the club shooting incident in the US State of Florida rises to 50. 53 people are also injured.
  • The British prime minister warns against the nation’s vote to exit from the EU. Cameron says Britain will face a lost decade in case of a Brexit.
  • Violent clashes erupt between Austrian police and a group of people urging an entry ban on refugees.
  • The Syrian army foils foreign-backed militants' infiltration attempt into Hama, killing twelve terrorists.
  • Iran’s foreign minister says the West has not stopped its enmity toward Iran following a nuclear deal with the country.


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