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Iran must block US excessive demands: Larijani

Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani listens as Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif speaks at the legislature in Tehran, June 12, 2016. (Photo by IRNA)

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says Iran must confront a fresh US bid to pressure Tehran into making further concessions after the conclusion of nuclear talks. 

"Some of the signs emerging over the past few months show that the Americans are coaxed into exerting pressures through other channels on Iran," he told a parliament session in Tehran Sunday.

The session was attended by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif who spearheaded Iran's case in grueling nuclear negotiations with the West, culminating in an agreement in July 2015.

Larijani praised Zarif and his team of negotiators for their efforts "which were successful for the most part" in "defending the rights of the Iranian nation" during "complicated, difficult and multifaceted negotiations."

Zarif went to Majlis to brief the new members of the Iranian parliament on the outcome of the nuclear agreement and its implementation amid worries about the commitment of the opposite side.

"Either the Majlis, the Administration or the supervisory council on implementation of JCPOA must be carefully on guard to block excessive demands of America and certain countries," Larijani said.

“The Americans constantly approve measures in Congress and apply pressures amid lobbies being made in this regard to create loopholes in the framework and regulations of the JCPOA," he added.

The JCPOA stands for Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which calls for the removal of all nuclear sanctions on Iran in return for Tehran's scaling back of its activities.

Since the agreement, a number of US lawmakers have been pushing to pass legislation in order to enact new sanctions on Iran if necessary over the country's ballistic missile tests.

Senator Bob Corker has said he is working on legislation that he hopes will attract strong bipartisan support. That measure has not yet been unveiled and aides have said they had no more information about when it might be introduced.

Republican Senator Kelly Ayotte and 18 other senators from her party have introduced a separate bill that would extend the Iran Sanctions Act through 2031 and require new sanctions over Iran's missile tests. 

The Iran Sanctions Act, which imposed nuclear, missile and terrorism charges sanctions on Iran, expires at the end of 2016, and both Democrats and Republicans in Congress support extending it.

Iranian lawmakers have passed a bill which calls for retaliatory measures if new sanctions are imposed on the Islamic Republic.

"According to the Majlis bill, if Westerners concoct sanctions in other aspects, Iran has to take counter-measures," Larijani said.

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