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Israeli soldiers destroy Palestinian olive saplings

The photo dated April 16, 2012 shows a Palestinian woman from the village of Beit Ilu, west of the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, reacting next to the broken olive trees in her orchard that was destroyed by Israeli settlers. (© AFP)

Israeli soldiers have once again attacked Palestinian properties in the occupied West Bank, destroying dozens of olive saplings near the city of Bethlehem.

On Monday, Israeli troops raided nearly five acres of land in Ein al-Hawyeh area in Husan, west of Bethlehem, and chopped down the saplings, according to Mohammed Shosheh, head of the village council.

The Israeli soldiers then took away the trees, he said

Meanwhile, the soldiers demolished a car wash in the village of al-Fureidis east of Bethlehem.

Settlers, mostly armed, regularly attack Palestinian villages and farms and set fire to their mosques, olive groves and other properties in the West Bank under the so-called “price tag” policy.

Price tag attacks are acts of vandalism and violence against Palestinians and their property as well as Islamic holy sites by Israeli settlers.

The agriculture industry, olive cultivation in particular, provides livelihoods for about 80,000 Palestinian families in the West Bank.

Israel has reportedly uprooted more than 800,000 olive trees in the occupied territories since 1967.


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