Palestine7 months ago
‘Jesus in the rubble’: No Christmas in birthplace of Jesus amid Gaza war
Christmas festivities have been cancelled this year in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, as Palestinian Christians join Muslims to protest the Israeli genocide in Gaza Strip.
‘Jesus in the rubble’: No Christmas in birthplace of Jesus amid Gaza war
Latest7 months ago
Israel’s war in Gaza overshadows Bethlehem for sad Christmas
Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa arrived in Bethlehem for Christmas amid the bloodiest-ever hostilities in Gaza.
Israel’s war in Gaza overshadows Bethlehem for sad Christmas
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian elementary school in central West Bank
Israeli military forces have demolished a donor-funded Palestinian primary school in Beit Ta’mir village southeast of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.
Israeli forces demolish Palestinian elementary school in central West Bank
Palestineone year ago
Palestinian teenager fatally shot by Israeli forces in Bethlehem
A Palestinian teenager has been fatally shot by Israeli forces during clashes in the south of the occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem.
Palestinian teenager fatally shot by Israeli forces in Bethlehem
Politicsone year ago
Iran slams Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem
Iran condemns the Israeli regime’s destruction of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem under the pretext of construction without a permit.
Iran slams Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in Bethlehem
Palestineone year ago
Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager as far-right Israeli minister storms al-Aqsa
Israeli forces kill a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager during a military raid on Dheisheh Palestinian refugee camp in the southern part of the occupied West Bank.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian teenager as far-right Israeli minister storms al-Aqsa
Palestine2 years ago
Biden meets Abbas as Palestinians protest his visit to occupied lands
US President Joe Biden meets with his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas, as hundreds of Palestinians stage a demonstration in the West Bank to voice their outright rejection of his visit.
Biden meets Abbas as Palestinians protest his visit to occupied lands
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