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'No safe zone in Gaza'

The UN Palestinian relief organization, UNRWA, says around 800,000 Gazans have left Rafah since Israel began its ground invasion into the refugee-packed city. UNRWA chief Phillipe Lazzarini says nobody is actually safe anywhere in Gaza, dismissing the idea of Israel setting up so-called safe or humanitarian zones in the strip. Lazarrini warned that the territory is lacking basic humanitarian supplies. He also added that without regular fuel imports, unstable telecommunication and the ongoing Israeli attacks, it has become nearly impossible to distribute the remaining aid supplies. He slammed Israel’s closure of Gaza’s land border crossings, adding that they must be re-opened. He also pointed out that these crossings remain to be the safest and the most efficient way of transporting aid supplies into Gaza.

Anti-Netanyahu protests

Israeli forces have once again violently clashed with protesters in Tel Aviv calling for snap elections and the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Regime forces shoved demonstrators and sprayed them with water cannons. Thousands of protesters slammed Netanyahu’s policies, saying he has failed to secure the release of the captives held in Gaza. They demanded that the Israeli cabinet strike a deal with the Hamas resistance movement to return the captives. The rally comes as hopes fade for such a deal between Israel and Hamas as the regime keeps up its genocidal onslaught on Gaza. This was a day after the regime’s army announced that its soldiers recovered the bodies of four captives from the Gaza Strip. It is estimated that around a hundred-thirty Israeli captives remain in Gaza. Hamas says dozens of them have been killed so far in Israeli attacks.

Israeli crimes in Gaza

A human rights group calls on the International Olympic Committee and Football's governing body, FIFA, to take action against Israel and hold it accountable for crimes against Palestinian athletes. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says International sports organizations must firmly condemn Israel's violations of civilian sports facilities and athletes in the Gaza Strip. It condemned Israel’s demolition of sports facilities and using some as detention centers. The Geneva-based group said 31 facilities have been destroyed which accounted for over 80 percent of sports facilities in the Strip. At least 270 Palestinian athletes have been killed as a result of the continuing Israeli genocide. The call comes ahead of FIFA’s meeting in July to discuss taking action against Israel in response to the Palestinian Federation's request to suspend the regime’s membership.

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