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West’s stance on Palestine conflict against claim of advocating democracy: Iranian president

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi addresses foreign diplomats in a ceremony marking the 45th anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, in Tehran on February 7, 2024. (Photo by

Iran’s president has lashed out at the US and its allies for their unwavering support for the Israeli regime, saying they are obstructing democracy by preventing Palestinians from determining their future.

Addressing a ceremony marking the 45th anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution with foreign diplomats in Tehran in attendance, Ebrahim Raeisi said the Western governments claim to be a champion of democracy, yet they’re blocking the Palestinians’ right to self-determination.

“You who talk of democracy must allow every Palestinian, whether Muslim, Christian, or Jewish, to have a vote. Everyone should have a vote,” he said, adding that the West and the US must not interfere in the future of Palestine and only the Palestinian nation must decide its future.

Raeisi touched on the ongoing Israeli onslaught against Gaza, saying it’s a real regret that the West is supporting the genocidal war and international organizations can’t stop the bloodshed.

“[Is there] a bigger regret than the support of the US and the West for these crimes? The greatest regret is that international organizations are not effective enough,” he said.

The Iranian president called for the current world order to be reformed, saying this unjust system has allowed the current situation in Palestine.

Raeisi further called Palestinians the ultimate winner and the Israeli regime the loser in the conflict.

“Victory belongs to the Palestinian nation and the Israeli regime has been defeated as it couldn’t achieve the goals it had previously announced,” he said.

‘Islamic Republic committed to its principles’

On the victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, Raeisi said the Iranian nation could stand on its feet and topple a despotic regime armed to the teeth and backed by America.

The Iranian president said the Islamic Republic establishment was founded upon a popular referendum in which 98 percent of people voted in favor of democracy based on Islamic teachings.

Raeisi said the West showed its opposition to real democracy by confronting the Revolution and attempts to nip the newly-born Islamic Republic in the bud.

“Many times these [Western] media claimed that the Islamic Republic will be gone in six months, but 45 years have passed since those 6 months they were talking about. There’s no talk of the then president of the US and those of other Western countries who were planning to annihilate the Islamic Republic of Iran. Still, the Islamic Republic of Iran stands powerfully,” he said.

The Iranian president said many revolutionary movements have diverted from their ideals and slogans after a while, but Iran’s Islamic Revolution continues to adhere to the same principles on which it was established.

Iran continues to support the Palestinians’ right to freedom and it is still committed to its ‘neither Western nor Eastern’ slogan which people shouted in the early days of the Revolution.

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