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JCPOA revival talks

Iran says finalization of any agreement to revive the 2015 nuclear deal depends on the political will of the other sides involved in talks over the accord. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said all sides to the talks have acknowledged progress in the negotiations. However, Saeed Khatibzadeh added, important issues have remained that need to be decided on by the other parties, especially the US. He said Tehran’s main policy is the removal of sanctions, and added, that policy will remain unchanged under the new Iranian government. Iran and the remaining signatories to the nuclear deal began talks to revive it in April, three years after the US left the accord. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has said a deal to save the accord can be reached in the coming weeks. 

Israeli demolitions

Israeli forces have demolished yet another Palestinian structure in occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds. The structure was a school under construction in Dahiyat al-Salam neighborhood. A video posted by Palestinian media shows Israeli troops and excavators entering the district for flattening the building. The demolition is the latest in Israel’s long-running campaign of destroying Palestinian homes and buildings in occupied territories. Israel usually claims the structures lack construction permits. But, Palestinians say the demolitions are in line with Israel’s land grab policy as the regime expands its settlements on occupied land. Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

Canada heat wave 

Firefighters are battling nearly 200 wildfires raging in western Canada amid an unprecedented heat wave there. Officials say two thirds of the fires have gone out of control in the Pacific province of British Columbia. Dozens of personnel have arrived from across Canada to help contain roaring flames. The wildfires have prompted evacuations in several towns including Lytton. A blaze hit the town last week, razing it to the ground. Temperatures have set records in different parts of British Columbia, with the mercury reaching 50 degrees Celsius. The heat wave has killed hundreds of people in Canada over the past two weeks. 

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