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Daesh claims responsibility for killing 3 female media workers in Afghanistan

Afghan men pray in front of the coffin of one of three female media workers who were shot and killed by in Jalalabad, Afghanistan March 3, 2021. (Photo by Reuters)

The Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed three female media workers in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday.

Three female employees of Enikass TV were killed and a fourth was critically injured after gunmen shot them on their way home from work in the eastern city of Jalalabad on Tuesday, Afghan officials said. They were targeted in two separate attacks.

Daesh said on Wednesday that its militants had attacked the women, who were aged 18 to 20.

“We are alarmed by the killing of Mursal Wahidi, Sadia Sadat, and Shahnaz Roafi, and the repeated attacks on Enikass Radio and TV,” said Enikass director Zalmay Latifi.

He said the three workers dubbed entertainment TV programs and films into local languages.

“Working for a news outlet or broadcaster in Afghanistan carries immense risk, and impunity will only further the cycle of violence and fear,” Latifi added.

Enikass, an independent, privately-owned media outlet that broadcasts news and entertainment programs, has often received threats from terrorist groups, he said.

The Committee to Protect Journalists said on Tuesday that Afghan authorities should thoroughly investigate the killings and hold the perpetrators to account.

The shootings followed the murder in December 2020 of a reporter at the broadcaster and her driver. Malalai Maiwand, a journalist with Enikass stationed, was killed with her driver in the attack by gunmen on their vehicle in Jalalabad.

In recent months, deadly attacks and high-profile assassinations have seen a rise in Afghanistan. The Taliban militant group, which has engaged in peace talks with Kabul, has denied responsibility for the killings, but Afghan and US officials have pinned the blame on the group.

The US overthrew a Taliban regime shortly after the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. But occupation forces have remained bogged down there ever since and violence continues to take a heavy toll in the country.

Daesh has also established a foothold in eastern and northern Afghanistan.

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