London rushes medical supplies to occupied Malvinas Islands in anticipation of coronavirus outbreak

An aerial view of Mount Pleasant which houses personnel from all branches of the British military

The UK is rushing military medics and specialist kit to the occupied Malvinas Islands (which the British call Falkland Islands) in a desperate bid to contain a potentially nasty outbreak of COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus.

According to Sky News, a six-strong team with equipment for two intensive care beds will be sent to the occupied territory later today.

It is understood that other medical supplies, including additional oxygen, face masks and medication are also being sent to the Malvinas.

Contested territory 

Situated in the South Atlantic Ocean (just over 480 km from the Argentine coast), the Malvinas Islands is claimed by Argentina on the grounds that the UK has illegally occupied the archipelago since 1833.

The population of occupied Malvinas Islands – which numbers around 3,400 – is believed to be particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, primarily due to the prevalence of old people in poor health.

Hitherto, no one on the islands had tested positive for COVID-19 but according to Sky News a number of people – including a child - are “displaying suspected symptoms” consistent with COVID-19.

There is growing anxiety in London that a coronavirus outbreak on the Malvinas Islands will quickly overwhelm the territory’s meager health facilities.  

There is only one small hospital on Malvinas – the King Edward Memorial – which holds only two intensive care beds. It is understood one of the beds is currently occupied by the sick child suspected of having COVID-19.

In addition, 25 members of the British military and their families have displayed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and have been isolated as a precautionary measure.

It is believed the sick military personnel and their families are all based at Mount Pleasant, a large British base on Isla Soledad (which the British call East Falkland).

British garrison

Currently Britain stations 1,300 military personnel (from all branches of the armed forces) on the occupied Malvinas Islands, the bulk of which are based at Mount Pleasant.

In addition to the military personnel, the UK’s offensive capability is augmented by hundreds of contractors and a team of dedicated civil servants specializing in military and security affairs.

The crème de la crème of the UK’s offensive military posture on the occupied Malvinas Islands is comprised of 4 Royal Air Force FGR4 Typhoons which are permanently based at RAF Mount Pleasant.


The coronavirus crisis has exposed the vulnerability of Britain’s defenses on the occupied territory.

A major outbreak of COVID-19 amongst garrisoned troops and their families could potentially create a significant defense and security vacuum on the occupied Malvinas Islands.

Argentina reaches out 

However, for its part Argentina has offered to send medical supplies and fresh food to the inhabitants of the Malvinas.

The offer of help from Argentina’s foreign minister, Felipe Sola, was conveyed to Britain’s ambassador in Buenos Aires, Mark Kent, by Daniel Filmus, the Argentine government’s secretary for the Malvinas, Antarctica and South Atlantic regions.

It is not clear if the British government has accepted or declined Argentina’s offer of humanitarian assistance.  


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