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In talks with China's Xi, S Korea's Moon voices concern over stalled N Korea-US talks

In this image South Korean President Moon Jae-in (L) shakes hands with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping as they pose for photographers ahead of their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Dec. 23, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

In a meeting with his Chinese counterpart, South Korean President Moon Jae-in has expressed concern over stalled denuclearization talks on the Korean Peninsula as well as a recent flare-up of tensions between the United States and North Korea.

In a statement issued on Monday, Moon’s office that he told Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing that the halt in the denuclearization negotiations involving Pyongyang and Washington — a close ally of the South — benefits no one.

“The recent situation where dialog between North Korea and the United States was suspended and tension has been rising on the peninsula is never beneficial for not just our two countries but also North Korea,” Moon said.

The South’s leader further hailed Beijing for playing a significant part in efforts to solve the Korea issue, saying, “I hope that we work together more closely so that this rare opportunity will bear fruit.”

In turn, Xi vowed support for South Korea’s efforts to improve ties with North Korea, state television reported.

China and South Korea believe the Korean Peninsula issue be resolved through dialog and are a “firm force for maintaining stability and promoting talks,” Xi added.

Moon is currently on visit to China for a trilateral meeting between him, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump have met three times since last year to negotiate an end to North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, which Pyongyang argues are defensive in nature.

The diplomatic process, however, hit a deadlock as Washington refused to ease the harsh sanctions on Pyongyang despite the several good-will steps that the North took unilaterally to boost diplomacy.

There has been a sharp hike in tensions between the two sides as Pyongyang has resumed the military tests it had suspended in the light of diplomacy with the US. The two sides have also engaged in a fresh war of words.

Pyongyang has set a year-end deadline for Washington to take a “new path” and change its policy of insisting on Pyongyang’s unilateral denuclearization. The US has already rejected the deadline.

The North has promised a possible “Christmas surprise” missile test if Washington does not come to the negotiating table.

Last week, US special envoy for North Korea Stephen Biegun paid a two-day visit to Beijing for talks with senior Chinese diplomats following similar stops in South Korea and Japan days earlier.

 Beijing — along with Russia — proposed last week that the United Nations Security Council lift some sanctions in an effort to break the current deadlock in the diplomatic process and seek to build support.

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