Palestinians check the damage in a building targeted by Israeli airstrikes in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on May 5, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV Newsroom's headlines from 0900 GMT to 1700 GMT, May 5, 2019.


Gaza under attack

The death toll from ongoing Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip keeps rising, amid an escalation of violence in the besieged territory. Gaza’s Health Ministry says ten Palestinians have been killed since the airstrikes began on Saturday. A pregnant woman and a 14-month-old baby are among the victims. Dozens of Palestinians have also been injured. A number of residential buildings, schools and a mosque have been demolished. Palestinians have fired hundreds of rockets in retaliation, hitting some areas in southern Israel. Several Israelis have been killed as a result. Meanwhile, the Israeli premier has vowed to intensify attacks on Gaza.

Afghanistan violence

Taliban militants have attacked a police base in northern Afghanistan, killing at least seven people. Afghan officials say the victims include security forces and civilians, among them children. They say dozens of others were wounded. The attack happened after a Taliban member detonated his car loaded with explosives near the police headquarters in the city of Pul-e-Khumri. Authorities say gun battle is still underway between the militants and the police. They say Afghan forces gunned down one assailant who tried to enter the base. Afghanistan has been the scene of deadly attacks by the Taliban since the US invasion of the country in 2001.

Turkey-US row  

Turkey says it will not give in to US pressure over the deal with Russia to buy its S-400 missile defense system. Turkish Vice-President Fuat Oktay said Ankara will not abandon the deal despite the US threat of sanctions. He added that the US concerns about the agreement are not reasonable. The US has threatened to impose sanctions on Turkey if it goes on with the S-400 contract. Washington has also suspended delivery of equipment related to its F-35 fighter jets to Ankara. The US claims the missile system could compromise the capabilities of the warplanes. But Ankara says the two issues are irrelevant. The S-400 row is the latest in a series of diplomatic disputes that have soured Turkey’s relations with the US.

Venezuela national dialog

Venezuela has held a nationwide dialogue in an effort to find a peaceful and domestic solution for the country’s ongoing crisis. The dialogue was held at more than 16,000 sites across Venezuela on Saturday, after a call by President Nicolas Maduro. It gathered proposals for governance from the public and to rectify mistakes. The proposals, among other things, focused on peace and economy. The participants in the meetings also selected representatives to take part in a Congressional session slated for Sunday, for further discussions. Government officials say all the proposals from the national dialogue will be delivered to the president on May 6. The national movement came after a coup earlier this week. The government said it foiled the opposition-backed coup staged by a group of army members.

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