Palestinians gather on the beach in Gaza City as smoke and fire billow following airstrikes by Israel on May 4, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 1800 GMT, May 4, 2019 to 0800 GMT, May 5, 2019.

Gaza under attack

The death toll from the latest Israeli attacks against the besieged Gaza Strip has risen to six. A pregnant woman and her 14-month kid are among the victims as Israeli warplanes pounded their home in the east of Gaza. Earlier, the regime's tanks fired at targets along the so-called buffer zone causing casualties. Palestinians fired a barrage of rockets in retaliation, hitting some areas in southern Israel. Palestinian officials have time and again said such reprisal attacks are in response to Tel Aviv’s aggression against Gaza.

North Korea ‘strike drill’

North Korea has confirmed reports that it has fired projectiles, saying it held a strike drill overseen by leader Kim Jong-un. North’s official news agency, KCNA, said the purpose of the drill was to test the performance of long-range multiple rocket launchers and tactical guided weapons. It added that the strike drill took place on Saturday in the East Sea. Earlier, South Korean military said the North had fired unidentified short-range projectiles. The test marks the first since denuclearization talks began between North Korea and the US last year. The talks, however, have faced a deadlock, after the US refused to lift sanctions against North Korea in February. Pyongyang said it showed its goodwill by suspending its nuclear and missile program over the past year.

Cyclone Fani in India

At least 12 people have died as Cyclone Fani ripped through Bangladesh after leaving a trail of death and destruction across the eastern coast of India. Scores of others have also been wounded. Bangladeshi officials said over a million people were moved to safety. The storm is predicted to get weakened by Sunday afternoon. In India, at least a dozen people died in Odisha state, where the cyclone first made landfall on Friday. Most deaths were caused by falling trees. Fani is the strongest storm hitting India in 20 years.

Reactions to Israeli strikes

The United States has backed Israel’s deadly airstrikes and shelling of the Gaza Strip. The US State Department described the attacks as an act of self-defense adding that Washington stands with Israel. It also condemned Palestinians’ retaliatory rocket attacks on Israeli targets in the southern parts of the occupied territories. Meanwhile, Turkey has urged the international community to act on the disproportionate actions by Israel in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority also demanded the United Nations immediately intervene to halt Israeli aggression against Palestinians in Gaza.

US ‘economic terrorism’

Iran’s foreign minister says a group of regional players, led by Israel, are pushing the US into a conflict with Iran, warning that they would face the consequences for their actions. Zarif, who was talking to al-Jazeera, said Iran wants the best relations with all regional countries. The foreign minister said Iran wants no escalation in the region, but will not escape those who want to bully it. Zarif also talked about the US ending waivers on its unilateral oil sanctions against Iran. He called the US move an economic terrorism, adding that such policies will prove detrimental to the US in the long run.

Algeria arrests

Algerian security sources have reported the arrest of the youngest brother of former president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, along with two former intelligence chiefs. Police have, so far, refused to comment on the arrests of Said Bouteflika and two former top intelligence officers. Said was the top adviser to his brother and acted as the country’s de facto ruler due to his brother’s illness. Mass protests have continued in Algeria even after demonstrators managed to force Abdelaziz Bouteflika to relinquish power. The protesters demand the removal of all officials linked to the former administration.

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