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May says time for all parties to unite behind her, decide best deal for Brexit

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May delivers a statement to members of the media in Downing Street in London on January 16, 2019, after surviving a vote of no confidence in her government. (Photo by AFP)

After surviving a no confidence vote triggered by the embarrassing defeat of her Brexit deal in Parliament, British Prime Minister Theresa May says it is time for all parties to get together and explore available options to take the country out of the European Union (EU).

May appeared outside 10 Downing Street on Wednesday to give what was supposed to be a victory speech after the relatively narrow 325-306 vote she scored in a no confidence challenge tabled by opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The premier, however, used the opportunity to provide reassurance to a nation that is deeply divided over Brexit and is shaken by the uncertainty surrounds it.

“This evening the government has won the confidence of Parliament,” she declared. “This now gives us all the opportunity to focus on finding a way forward on Brexit.”

“Overwhelmingly, the British people want us to get on with delivering Brexit and also address other important issues that they care about. But the deal that I have worked to agree with European Union was rejected by MPs and by a large margin,” she added.

On Tuesday, lawmakers roundly rejected the deeply contested divorce deal that May had clinched with the EU in a 432 to 202 vote, giving May only three working days to come up with a Plan B.

The crushing loss marked the collapse of her two-year plan of forging an orderly divorce with close ties to the EU after the March 29 exit.

The defeat of the departure agreement can lead to a disorderly exit from the EU or even a reversal of the 2016 EU referendum, where 52 percent of Britons voted in favor of Brexit.

Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, denounced May's cabinet as "incompetent" after the vote and called for a vote of no confidence in her government.

May said Wednesday that she had already held meetings or was scheduled to meet with other party leaders but Corbyn had yet to show up.

“So now MPs have made clear what they don’t want, we must all work constructively together to set out what Parliament does want,” she said.

“I’m disappointed that the leader of the Labour Party has not so far chosen to take part but our door remains open,” the PM continued.

For any negotiated Brexit deal to pass the House of Commons, May needs the vote of a significant chunk of opposition lawmakers who are led by Corbyn. If that doesn't happen, Britain will be leaving the EU without a deal when the deadline comes on March 29.

May did not indicate whether she was ready to renegotiate a new deal with the EU or make major changes in the existing Brexit agreement.

The EU has ruled out the possibility of renegotiation but says it is ready to discuss a version that eases lawmakers’ concerns about the so-called “backstop” clause on the Irish border, which has been the main bone of contention between supporters and opponents of the deal.

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