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Starmer repurposed the Labour Party as an adjunct to Israel

Britain's main opposition Labour Party leader, Keir Starmer, gestures as he delivers a speech at the National Composites Centre at the Bristol and Bath Science Park in Bristol, south-west England, January 4, 2024.(Photo by AFP)

The Labour Party under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer has stepped up its purge of left wing supporters of the Palestinian cause.

In what has been called Labour's Night of the Long Knives, senior Labour members were told that they would not be allowed to stand for election under the Labour banner in the forthcoming general election.

Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who was a Labour MP until the UK Parliament was recently dissolved, was deselected by the Labour Party.

Faiza Shaheen, a long standing Labour candidate who almost unseated the notorious Conservative MP, Ian Duncan Smith, in the 2019 general election, was also told that she would be prevented from standing.

This comes after many other senior left wing labour figures, like Jeremy Corbyn, Mick Whitley, and, Beth Winter, were blocked by the Labour Party machine.

The purge of left wing candidates who have voiced support for Palestine is a nail in the coffin of the so called 'stay and fight' campaign.

After the pro-Israel MP, Keir Starmer, was elected Labour leader in 2020 many left wing campaigners stressed that it was important to remain inside Labour to try and change it from within.

However, over four years later, many of those same people have been expelled from the party and the most prominent supporters of Palestine have been excluded from standing for election because of spurious claims of anti-semitism.

Meanwhile, the party has parachuted Zionist zealots into safe Labour seats practically guaranteeing their election to Parliament in the forthcoming UK General Election.

Luke Akehurst, a prominent adviser and ally of Kier Starmer and director of the Israel lobby group, 'We Believe in Israel', has been made a Labour parliamentary candidate.

Akehurst defended UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia during its onslaught on Yemen, and has openly and proudly described himself as a Zionist. He has also visited the Zionist entity on multiple occasions and has been at the heart of Labour's crackdown on support for Palestine.

Georgia Gould, who was caught on camera in 2022 removing stickers in support of Palestine, and who advocated the Zionist two-state solution, was also selected as a Labour candidate.

The Purge of Palestine supporters has been cheered on by some of the UK's most ardent supporters of Israel.

It is now hard to deny that the Labour Party has been the victim of state capture, with the Israel lobby and Britain having a chokehold on, not just its policies, but also on its parliamentary representatives.

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