Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov

Here is a brief look at Press TV Newsroom's headlines from 09:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT, April 10, 2018.

Syria chemical claims

Russia has criticized the US and some other countries’ stance on the reported use of chemical weapons in Syria. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the US is refusing to face reality on alleged Syria attack. Peskov also says Russia has not given up on diplomatic efforts to end Syria’s conflict. The US has accused the Syrian government of being behind the alleged chemical attack. This, as Damascus and Moscow deny the attack took place at all.

MBS Yemen lawsuit

A Yemeni rights group has filed a lawsuit against Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, over his country’s ongoing war on Yemen. The lawsuit by the Legal Center for Rights and Development holds Bin Salman responsible for the Saudi war, on grounds that he ordered the start of the bombings on Yemen. The complaint accuses the Saudi crown prince of complicity in torture and inhumane treatment of Yemeni civilians, as they are affected either by airstrikes or a naval blockade. The case was filed in a Paris court, during Bin Salman’s visit to France. Authorities will now begin studying the case to decide whether to take further legal action. The case comes as French President Emanuel Macron is facing pressures at home to stop arms sales to Persian Gulf Arab states, including Saudi Arabia.

Skripals poisoning case

The daughter of a former Russian double agent, who had been poisoned along with her father in Britain last month, has been discharged from hospital. Yulia Skripal and her father, Sergei, were found poisoned on March fourth in the southern English city of Salisbury. Doctors say their health has been improving rapidly in the last few weeks. The poisoning incident triggered a row between Moscow and London. Britain accuses Russia of being behind the poisoning incident. The Kremlin denies any involvement, saying it is the UK that could have benefited from poisoning the two.

Iran warning

A senior advisor to the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution has reaffirmed Tehran’s support for Damascus and Syria’s sovereignty. Ali Akbar Velayati, who is in Damascus to attend a pro-Palestinian conference, said Iran will stand by the people and the government of Syria against what he called the country’s enemies, particularly Israel. Velayati also slammed Israel’s Monday attack on a Syrian army airbase as a crime that will not go unanswered. The Iranian official called the recent chemical attack allegations leveled against Damascus a plot hatched by Washington and Tel Aviv. Velayati congratulated pro-Damascus forces on their victories during anti-terror offensives, saying the achievements have dealt a serious blow to Syria’s foes.

Germany-Russia pipeline

The German Chancellor has called for Ukraine’s involvement in Russian gas exports to Europe’s most powerful economy. Merkel says plans for a pipeline to bring gas from Russia could not go ahead if Ukraine is not involved in overland transit. She was speaking after talks with the Ukrainian President in Berlin. In an interview with a German daily, Petro Poroshenko called on Berlin to abandon plans to build Nord Stream 2. Poroshenko said this would enable Russia to impose an economic and energy blockade against Ukraine. The pipeline as planned would double the amount of Russian gas arriving in Germany via the Baltic Sea -- without transiting Ukraine -- by late 2019.

Syria calls for probe

The Syrian government has invited the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate allegations of chemical attack in Douma. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says Moscow is to offer an honest and transparent investigation into the chemical attack in Eastern Ghouta. Moscow has even sent its servicemen to the affected region without special protection supplies. Russia had earlier blamed the stance adopted by the US and other countries on Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons in eastern Ghouta. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov says the US position on the issue is not constructive. He also accused Washington of refusing to accept the truth. The US accuses the Syrian government of being behind the chemical attack. Moscow and Damascus strongly reject the allegations.

China investment in US drops

A news report shows that Chinese investment in the US has dropped by more than a third amid the simmering trade row between the world’s two largest economies. According to a New York based economic consultancy NGO, Chinese businesses have invested only 29.4 billion dollars in the US in 2017. This while their US expenditure stood at a record 46.2 billion dollars the year before. Rhodium Group and the National Committee on US-China Relations says the drop was even sharper in terms of new activity last year, with a 90-percent decrease in value. The group mostly blames the decline on Beijing’s tighter regulations on outbound capital flows but cites Washington’s measures as a second contributing factor. Plans to restrict foreign trade have been resonant throughout Trump's presidency. His newly-introduced steep tariffs on imported Chinese goods is likely to have a yet more negative impact on Sino-American trade.

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