Syria's Ambassador to the UN Bashar Jaafari speaks during a United Nations Security Council meeting on a ceasefire in Syria February 24, 2018 in New York. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, April 9, 2018 to 08:00 GMT, April 10, 2018.

Syria slams Israel

Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations has strongly condemned a latest Israeli attack on a Syrian military airbase in Homs province, accusing the west of supporting the regime’s aggressions in the region. During a UN Security Council meeting, Bashar al-Ja'afari accused the United States of preparing grounds for Israel to threaten peace and security in the world. He said the US guarantees immunity so that Israel is not held accountable, allowing the regime to continue its practice of state terrorism. Several people were reportedly killed and injured in the attacks. Damascus says its air defenses responded and shot down five of eight Israeli missiles that reportedly flew over the Lebanese airspace before reaching Syria.

Russia warns about Syria

During a UN Security Council meeting, the Russian envoy noted that there was no chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma. Vassily Nebenzia said that not a single body was found bearing chemical symptom and that no concrete evidence was revealed. He also called on international investigators to fly to Syria as early as Tuesday to look into the accusations. Speaking also at the council, US ambassador Nikki Haley condemned the chemical attack, pointing the finger directly at the Syria government for the alleged assault.

FBI raid

Agents of the US federal bureau of investigation have raided the offices and residence of President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. The FBI agents reportedly seized privileged documents and communications. Some media reports suggest the search was partly a referral by the office of the special counsel for possible bank fraud and campaign finance violations. Other speculations imply that the raid was related to the secret payment Cohen made to silence a woman who had an alleged affair with Trump ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The US president was quick to condemn the move as a disgraceful attack and a total witch hunt. Cohen is accused of allegedly intimidating a porn actress into signing a non-disclosure agreement about the affair by paying her 130,000 dollars hush money.

Sit-in in Gaza Strip

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have gathered in the so-called buffer zone near the tent camp to express their support for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli custody. The so-called buffer zone is the closest point to Palestinian lands that were occupied by Israeli forces in 1948. Press TV’s correspondent Ashraf Shannon has more details in the following report.

Trump anger at FBI

US President, Donald Trump, slams the FBI for raiding the office of his personal lawyer and seizing documents on several topics.

‘US seeking excuse for war’

Iran says the US is seeking an excuse to intervene in Syria, by threatening the Syrian government over the alleged chemical attack. Zarif also spoke about the latest Israeli attack on the Syrian soil. He said Israel conducted similar attacks in the past whenever terrorists fighting the Syrian government faced defeats. The top Iranian diplomat made the comments in Brazil where he arrived on Tuesday as part of his Latin America tour. His comments follow threats by the United States against the Syrian government over an alleged chemical attack in the city of Douma. Russia has also warned against military action against Syria, saying it would have dangerous repercussions.

Syria evacuations

The remaining anti-Syria terrorists in the city of Douma have released all the civilians they’ve been holding captive since the beginning of the conflict. The release came as part of a deal the terrorists reached with the government in return for their safe exit to the north of the country. Meanwhile, Syria’s Defense Ministry says some 3600 terrorists and their families have left Douma in the Eastern Ghouta region over the last 24 hours. Douma is the only city still under the terrorists’ control, since an offensive to liberate the Damascus suburbs began in mid-February.

Skripals poisoning case

The daughter of a former Russian double agent, who had been poisoned along with her father in Britain last month, has been discharged from hospital. Yulia Skripal and her father, Sergei, were found poisoned on March fourth in the southern English city of Salisbury. Doctors say their health has been improving rapidly in the last few weeks. Last week, Yulia issued a statement to say her strength was growing daily. The poisoning incident triggered a row between Moscow and London. Britain accuses Russia of being behind the poisoning incident. The Kremlin denies any involvement, saying it is the UK that could have benefited from poisoning the two.


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