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Nine killed, 20 injured in militant rocket attack on Aleppo

Men rest at the back of a pick-up truck near a damaged car in the militant held al-Katerji district in Aleppo, Syria on August 13, 2016 (Reuters)

At least nine people have been killed and 20 more injured by Takfiri militants' rocket fire in Syria’s northwestern city of Aleppo.   

A child was among those killed in the Saturday evening attacks which targeted the city’s Salaheddin, Hamdaniyeh, and al-Zahraa neighborhoods. According to Syrian media reports, some of the injured are in a critical condition.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says 15 people were also killed in government airstrikes on terrorist-held areas in the city, while another 27 were killed by Russian air raids in other parts of the province.

The incident comes at a time that fighting rages on between Syrian army soldiers and terrorists over the control of Aleppo, which has been divided between government forces in the west and the militants in the east since 2012.

Meanwhile, Syrian government forces killed some 60 Takfiri terrorists in the central province of Homs, and destroyed a terrorist headquarters in the southwestern Dara'a province.

Earlier, Syrian forces liberated a village on the eastern outskirts of the capital Damascus, following intense clashes with foreign-sponsored militants.

A militant fires his weapon during clashes with government forces on the southwestern edges of Syria's northern city of Aleppo on August 6, 2016. (AFP) 

A military source said on the condition of anonymity that Syrian soldiers and their allies took full control of Hosh Nasri Village, which lies in the militant-held East Ghouta region and about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) east of the capital.

Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura estimates that over 400,000 people have been killed in the conflict. The UN has stopped officially counting the death toll for Syria.

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