Nuclear Energy7 months ago
Iran says E3, US had better stop pressure on its nuclear program
A recent Western statement has condemned what is claimed to be an increase by Iran in the production rate of highly enriched uranium of up to 60% purity.
Iran says E3, US had better stop pressure on its nuclear program
Politics7 months ago
Iran dismisses ‘misleading’ E3 statement on its missile program
The E3 has condemned the unveiling of a new ballistic missile variant by Iran on November 19.
Iran dismisses ‘misleading’ E3 statement on its missile program
Politics10 months ago
West’s ‘excessive demands’ stalled JCPOA revival talks: Iran FM
Iran’s foreign minister says “excessive demands” by the US and the three European parties to the nuclear deal have stalled talks to revive the deal and remove sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
West’s ‘excessive demands’ stalled JCPOA revival talks: Iran FM
InfoClips10 months ago
Iran slams E3’s decision to retain sanctions
The European signatories to the 2015 Iran deal say they will keep sanctions pertaining to the Iranian ballistic missile program.
Iran slams E3’s decision to retain sanctions
Nuclear Energyone year ago
Europe should avoid ‘provocative, unconstructive’ approach to JCPOA revival: Iran
Iran’s permanent representative at the United Nations office in Vienna has called on the European governments to avoid adopting “provocative and unconstructive attitudes” to the Islamic Republic’s peaceful nuclear program and work towards the resolution of disputes.
Europe should avoid ‘provocative, unconstructive’ approach to JCPOA revival: Iran
Politicsone year ago
Iran says never relied on INSTEX as Europeans liquidate trade system
The E3 announced the official shutdown of INSTEX, some four years after the financial channel was established by European countries.
Iran says never relied on INSTEX as Europeans liquidate trade system
Politicsone year ago
West hyping Iran’s case to distract world from Israel’s nukes: IAEA envoy
An Iranian diplomat says the E3 seeks to distract the world from the Israeli regime’s military nuclear program, which is a source of instability in the region and a threat to peace and security.
West hyping Iran’s case to distract world from Israel’s nukes: IAEA envoy
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