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Resistance movements condole with Hezbollah leader on passing of his mother

Umm Hassan, the late mother of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah

Palestinian resistance movements have condoled with Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah over the passing of the leader of the Lebanese resistance movement’s mother.

Hezbollah announced Umm Hassan’s demise in a statement on Saturday, noting that she passed away after a drawn-out struggle with illness.

The movement described the defunct as "a faithful and pure mother, who raised and nurtured a devout, striving, and noble family." It invited the movement’s members and supporters to partake in her funeral procession at Martyrs' Cemetery in the capital Beirut on Sunday.

Shortly afterwards, Ismail Haniyeh, chief of the Political Bureau of the Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, extended his condolences to the Hezbollah leader over his loss.

“With great sorrow…, we received the news of the passing of your honorable mother, Umm Hassan Nasrallah,” Haniyeh said in a message.

“We extend our condolences and sympathy to Your Eminence, at a time when our people in Lebanon are standing in solidarity with their brothers in Palestine,” it added, referring to Hezbollah’s support for the Palestinians’ struggle against the Israeli regime.

The Islamic Jihad, Hamas’ fellow Gaza-based resistance group, also expressed “sincere condolences and sympathy” towards the Hezbollah chief.

The Popular Resistance Committees, which is a coalition of a number of Palestinian resistance groups, and its military wing al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades addressed a similar message to Nasrallah.

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