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'People support Islamic Republic'

Iran’s Leader says the huge funeral processions for President Ebrahim Raeisi and his entourage demonstrated the Islamic Republic's grassroots popularity and power. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the message that the massive public turnout sent to the world served the Islamic Republic’s interests. He added that the mass prayer ceremonies for the president’s health prior to the confirmation of his passing also showed the people’s attachment to the Islamic Revolution and its ideals. The Leader stressed that the strength of the Islamic Republic is deeply rooted in its people. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a meeting with the family of the late President in his home. He said Raeisi embodied the slogans of the Islamic Revolution, and his loss was a huge and irreparable blow to the country.

US-Israel genocide in Gaza

The Israeli regime conducts fresh attacks on Gaza, killing around two dozen Palestinians. Ten lost their lives in an airstrike on an apartment building in Gaza City. An unspecified number of people also died elsewhere in the city. Twelve others were killed in the central city of Deir al-Balah where Israeli forces pounded an aid storage warehouse. Meanwhile, the regime is pressing ahead with its offensive in Rafah, a southern city packed with displaced Palestinians. Tanks and troops are advancing in the city’s southeast, edging towards its densely populated western district. That comes despite international calls for a stop to the invasion of Rafah. Israel has killed at least 35-thousand-8-hundred Palestinians since it waged its war on Gaza in early October.

'End Rafah offensive'

The top UN court has ordered Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. In its ruling, the ICJ also ordered Israel to open the vital Rafah crossing for, what it called, the unhindered provision of humanitarian aid. Israel has been keeping the crossing closed for three weeks now. That has prevented the delivery of much-needed supplies such as medicine, food, and fuel from Egypt into Gaza. The ICJ ruling comes after South Africa requested emergency measures to protect Rafah as part of a genocide case against Israel. In January, the ICJ also ordered Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza. The Israeli regime has not abided by the ruling. The ICJ rulings are legally binding, but it has no means to enforce them.

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