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Iran’s martyred pres., FM had great impact on today’s world: Tehran City Council chairman

Frame grab from Mahdi Chamran, the chairman of the City Council of Tehran’s interview of May 23, 2024 with Press TV

The chairman of the City Council of Tehran shares his thoughts on the legacies left by Ebrahim Raeisi and Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s president and foreign minister, who were recently martyred in a helicopter crash alongside their companions.

“These figures, particularly Ayatollah Raeisi and his Foreign Minister [Hossein] Amir-Abdollahian, had a great impact on today’s world,” Mahdi Chamran told Press TV in an exclusive interview on Thursday.

Raeisi and his entourage, which included the top diplomat, ascended to martyrdom on Sunday after the helicopter carrying them crashed as it was on its way to Tabriz, the capital of Iran’s East Azarbaijan Province.

The tragedy was followed by millions-strong funeral processions across Tabriz, the north-central city of Qom, Tehran, and the holy city of Mashhad, where the bodies lied in state. Around 90 foreign dignitaries, meanwhile, visited the Islamic Republic to pay tribute to the late officials.

Chamran went on to expound on the features of Raeisi and Amir-Abdollahian’s careers that helped them stand out in the world of politics.

“In the first place, Mr. Raeisi’s policy was not to be a unilateralist in world policies and look towards the East and the West [at the same time],” he said.

“So, he dropped the policy of unilateralism and interacted with all the countries in the world, except of course, the countries, which, out of hostility and grudge, did not have relations with us or did not want to have ties with us.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Chamran noted that the late president used to attach priority to relations with the Islamic Republic’s neighbors.

“His policy was neighbors first…and we had closer ties with those countries, specifically in the economic sector, in conditions that we have been subjected to United States’ sanctions,” he said.

“In such conditions, ties with neighboring countries is a worthwhile and valuable thing and can help resolve many of our issues and problems.”

Finally, the Iranian official pointed to President Raeisi’s success in helping Iran become a member of major international organizations during his political career.

“And in many of those organizations, we became a very powerful and independent member country. And this is a source of pride for us.”

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