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Guantanamo and Negev: Iran says US, Israeli human rights two sides of the same coin

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani

The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry says American and Israeli human rights are two sides of the same coin as they both commit gross rights violations against prisoners.

In a post on his X account on Monday, Nasser Kan’ani said the results of an investigation conducted by CNN show that the Israeli regime’s military forces are torturing Palestinian prisoners in a secret detention center in the Negev region in occupied Palestine.

“The American and Zionist human rights are two sides of the same coin, one in Negev, and the other in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib,” he wrote.

The CNN report, released on Friday, cited statements from whistleblowers working at Israel’s Sde Teiman military detention camp which showed that the regime has been committing systemic abuses against people it has detained during its ongoing war on Gaza.

The witnesses said Palestinian prisoners have been restrained, blindfolded, and forced to wear diapers during their detention time in Sde Teiman which is located in the Negev desert, in the south of the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories near Gaza.

Prisoners were not allowed to move, talk, or even peek when they were blindfolded while guards unleashed large dogs on sleeping detainees or beat them out of spite and for revenge, the report said of the prison.

In a statement issued late on Friday, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said the CNN report was only the tip of the iceberg and reflects only a small portion of the atrocities committed against Palestinian detainees in the occupying regime’s “human slaughterhouses.”

More than 35,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed in the war that Israel began on October 7, 2023, following a retaliatory operation by the Palestinian territory’s resistance movements.

The brutal military onslaught enjoys unreserved military and political support on the part of the Israeli regime’s Western allies, including the United States and France.

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