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Israeli captive 'executed' by regime forces in Gaza: Father

Israeli soldiers are seen on a tank near the border with the Gaza Strip on December 18, 2023. (AFP)

The father of an Israeli captive, who was killed by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip, says his son was executed by the regime’s forces.

Three Israeli captives were killed by the regime’s military forces in the north of the Gaza Strip on Friday. Military officials claimed that the incident was a mistake.

The father of Alon Shamriz, one of the murdered captives, said his killing was not a "mistake" but an "execution.”

The three were among more than 240 Israeli soldiers and settlers who were taken captive by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on October 7.

The father said Alon, along with two other captives, did "everything right" to avoid being killed. 

"They... took their shirts off, hung a white flag and marched in broad daylight in the middle of the street and shouted for help, but in our army, they don't know how to follow the rules of engagement.”

The father said the family demanded that the Israeli military recognize his son as a fallen soldier, but they refused to accept their request.

“We were supposed to embrace him today and not mourn,” he said in an interview after the funeral.

In late November, Hamas released more than 100 Israeli captives in exchange for Palestinians held illegally in Israeli jails.

Hamas has repeatedly said the only way for the resistance movement to release the rest of the captives was for the regime to stop its relentless bombardment of the Gaza Strip and free Palestinian prisoners.

Hitting back on growing international pressure to stop the genocidal war on Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his cabinet is "determined to continue” the bombardment of the besieged Palestinian territory.

Israeli forces have so far killed at least 19,088 people, a substantial number of whom women and children.  More than 54,450 people have also been also wounded in Israel’s air and ground attacks on the territory.

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