Press TV's news headlines

Israeli genocide in Gaza

Israel presses ahead with its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip. The regime’s war machine has killed more than 16-thousand people since October the 7th. Israel has extended its operations in southern and central Gaza. Nearly fifty people have been killed in air raids in the central city of Deir al-Balah. At least 25 people were also killed in a strike that hit a school sheltering the displaced Palestinians in Khan Yunis. Hospitals have not been spared from the strikes. The regime's military vehicles have destroyed the main electricity generator of Kamal Adwan Hospital. Palestinian sources say Israel also prevents ambulances from reaching the injured. The Health Ministry in Gaza says more than 400-thousand people in northern Gaza Strip have no access to medical services. The World Health Organization has raised the alarm about the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Biden’s 'moral decline'

Hamas has taken the US president to task for waging a smear campaign against the Palestinian resistance movement following the surprise Operation al-Aqsa Flood against Israel on the seventh of October. The resistance movement condemned President Joe Biden for echoing Israel’s allegations of sexual violence and rape by Hamas fighters. Hamas said Biden’s behavior proves his moral decline since he has just repeated Israel’s false claims about resistance fighters. Hamas said such blatant lies are aimed at covering up the quote "Nazi Israeli regime’s war crimes" being committed against the Palestinians using American weapons. The movement also called on the international media to prove the falsity of new accusations leveled by the US and Israel as was the case with their previous claims about Hamas beheading children or using hospitals as its command centers.

'Hamas can't be eliminated'

Iran’s foreign minister says the United States and Israel will not be able to eliminate the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the war on Gaza will have no outcome for Washington and Tel Aviv. He said the resistance front is able to withstand Israeli attacks and continue retaliatory strikes. The Iranian minister said evidence shows Israel has been after the forced displacement of the people of Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula since early October. Amir-Abdollahian was speaking in Russia, where he attended the12th annual summit of foreign ministers of the five Caspian Sea littoral states. 

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