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'Resistance disturbed US policies'

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution says the historic Al-Aqsa Flood operation by the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli regime disrupted the US policies in the region. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said he hopes that such an operation will continue and help eliminate America’s agenda in the region. The Leader added that Israel’s brutal and merciless crimes against Palestinians in Gaza have not only tarnished the image of the Zionist regime but its American and European backers, as well. He also questioned the Western culture, saying some of its leaders justify Israel for killing five thousand Palestinian children with phosphorous bombs. Ayatollah Khamenei was addressing members of Basij volunteer forces who had gathered from across the country. Wednesday marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Basij Volunteer Organization in Iran. 

Gaza truce

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and the Israeli regime have released more captives and handed them to the Red Cross as part of an extended truce deal between the two sides. Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has posted a video showing crowds in Rafah city celebrating the release of Palestinians. During the fifth round of prisoner swap, Hamas freed 10 Israelis and 2 Thai captives while Israel released 30 Palestinian hostages held in jails. Palestinian resistance groups still hold about 160 Israelis captured during the Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7. According to mediators, Tel Aviv is keen on extending the truce by another day to get 10 more prisoners released. Hamas has also expressed readiness to extend the truce that initially went into effect on Friday and enabled humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza. The temporary ceasefire will expire later today. But International mediators hope for its extension amid concerns that Israel would resume its war on Gaza.

Israel raids Jenin refugee camp

Sounds of gunfire were heard overnight as Israeli forces conducted a fresh raid on the city of Jenin and its refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank. The regime’s forces, backed by armored vehicles and bulldozers, stormed the city and deployed snipers on the rooftops of several buildings. They also fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters toward residents, causing several people to suffer suffocation. The troops laid a siege on the city’s hospitals, blocking entrances to the facilities and preventing the work of medical teams. At least 6 Palestinians were injured by live bullets during the incursion. The regime has intensified its raids and arrest campaign across the occupied territories, notably in Jenin. Since the onset of the Gaza war, the Israeli forces have killed more than 230 Palestinians and detained hundreds more in the West Bank.

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