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Aban 13: Struggle against arrogance

The 13th of Aban on the Iranian calendar which usually coincides with November 4th holds great importance in the Islamic Republic.

November 4th, the day of national struggle against arrogance, is a reminder of 3 important events in Iran's contemporary history that occurred in 3 different periods, and for this reason, the day has been recorded as a memorable day in the country's history.

The exile of Imam Khomeini to Turkey on November 4th, 1964, the mass killing of students protesting against the Pahlavi regime on November 4th, 1978, which was named Student Day, and the takeover of the US embassy - dubbed also as the spy nest in Iran - on November 4th, 1979, constitute these three historical events; three key events that have left an indelible mark on Iran's modern history.

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