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Israeli onslaught on Gaza

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza rebuked US President Joe Biden for saying that he had no confidence in the death toll given by Palestinians. It said the US has brazenly cast doubt on the truth of the announced toll. Meanwhile, the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said almost 50 Israeli captives held in Gaza have been killed in the regime’s raids. They were among more than 200 who were taken captive by the resistance group following Operation al- Aqsa Flood, which was conducted inside Israel earlier this month. Since then, the military wing of Hamas has been carrying out retaliatory operations against Israel in response to its deadly onslaught. Tel Aviv and an Israeli military site near Gaza have been hit in the latest reprisal attacks by the al-Qassam Brigades. Over 1,400 Israelis have been killed since Hamas conducted its military operation.

Hamas warning

The head of the political bureau of the Hamas resistance movement has warned that if Israel’s aggression against the Gaza Strip continues, the situation in the entire region will spin out of control. Speaking in a televised speech, Ismail Haniyeh said on the twentieth day of the war, the resistance is in good condition and doing well. He called on the Arab and Muslim nations and all free people of the world to support the resistance. Haniyeh added that the occupying regime will not be able to recover from the strategic strike and resounding defeat it has suffered. He called for international pressure on Israel to stop what he described as a new Holocaust against the Palestinian nation. The Hamas chief asked all free people of the world to demonstrate this Friday in support of Gaza. He also called for the opening of all Gaza crossings, especially the Rafah crossing, and the entry of everything that people need without restrictions or conditions. Haniyeh said the time has passed when the Israeli regime controlled Gaza or its people or the region.

Solidarity with Gaza

Pro-Palestinian rallies in solidarity with the people of Gaza continue across the globe as Israel’s brutal aggression enters its 21st day. Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Montreal, Madrid and Beirut to condemn the regime’s massacre of Palestinians in the besieged territory. Palestinians in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah also demonstrated in support of the people of Gaza. In Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, thousands marched on the Israeli embassy to denounce the regime’s brutality. Thousands of Indians in the southern city of Kozhi-kode voiced their support for the Palestinian cause. In Brussels, pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the venue of an EU summit, urging a halt to Israel's bombing campaign. In Spain, thousands of students thronged the streets of Barcelona, accusing Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

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