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Thousands rally in Malaysia’s main city against Israel's onslaught of Palestinians

Thousands of Malaysians participate in the ‘Malaysia is with Palestine’ rally at Axiata Arena Stadium, Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 24, 2023. (Photo by AN)

Thousands have rallied in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to show support for Palestinians as the Israeli regime continues its onslaught on the people of Gaza which started on October 7 after Hamas launched Operation al-Aqsa Storm.

“Malaysia is with Palestine” was the title of the mass rally held on Tuesday at Axiata Arena Stadium in the south of Kuala Lumpur.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who was present at the rally, described the Israeli regime's atrocities as "insanity", calling on the international community to not allow the people of Gaza "to be butchered" by the Zionists.

“It is a level of insanity to allow people to be butchered, babies to be killed, hospitals to be bombed, and schools to be destroyed,” Anwar said.

“We are not asking for anything extra. We want the Arabs, the Palestinians, and the people of Gaza to be treated as human beings... Stop the killing. Give them food. Give them medicine. Give the babies the right to live. Is that asking too much?”

“We are with the Palestinian people... yesterday, today and tomorrow,” Anwar told the crowd.

"Malaysians were there from the days of Yasser Arafat, struggling for an independent Palestine until today, and we will continue without fear,” he vowed.

Pro-Palestinian rallies have been held in Malaysia since the escalation of violence began over two weeks ago. In their demonstrations, Malaysians show solidarity with the people of Gaza by wearing the traditional keffiyeh scarves, carrying the Palestinian flag and chanting, “Save Palestine,” “Stop genocide in Gaza,” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

In related news, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council on Tuesday that there were “clear violations of international law” in the Gaza Strip by the criminal Israeli regime as it continues its deadly strikes on the besieged territory. He called for an immediate ceasefire.

In the meantime, Pro-Palestinian activists have staged rallies in many other countries across the globe as the Israeli regime intensifies its deadly attacks against civilians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Read more:
‘Stop Israeli genocide’: Mass rallies held in US cities in support of Palestinians
Venezuela’s Maduro urges world to 'raise voice against genocide' of Palestinians in Gaza amid surging death toll
China slams Israeli regime's violence as ‘beyond self-defense’, urges major powers' impartiality

Till now, in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the total death toll has risen to 5,791, including at least 2,360 children.

On Tuesday, the number of those wounded in Israel’s attacks in the past 17 days also passed 18,000. The soaring number of casualties from the regime's escalating bombardment comes as medical facilities across the territory were forced to close because of bombing damage, according to health officials.

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