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US house speaker ouster

US house speaker Kevin McCarthy has been ousted in a historic vote triggered by a group of his fellow Republicans. The group, led by Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, has been highly critical of McCarthy’s leadership ever since he was elected house speaker in January. His ouster has now plunged congress into further chaos just days after it averted a government shutdown.

Anger at Ukraine arms supply

Protesters in Germany have demonstrated in a public display of discontent with the arms supplies to Kiev. The rallies were held in the cities of Berlin and Munich. The demonstrators said Germany’s decision to send more weaponry to Ukraine risks escalation of the conflict with Russia. Some protesters demanded that Germany pull out of the NATO military alliance. Some said the United States is benefiting from Germany’s intervention in the Russia-Ukraine war. 

UK doctors strike

BMA members have demanded significant pay rise for all doctors to combat 26% pay cut over the past 15 years. They have also expressed concerns about the ongoing trend of doctors leaving for countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Ireland. Britain has been rocked by months of nationwide strikes with government employees in all sectors demanding higher wages in line with rising inflation.

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