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Iran space program

Iran has successfully launched a new satellite into orbit amid strict sanctions imposed by Western states aimed at crippling the Islamic republic’s peaceful space program. Telecom’s minister has confirmed that the Noor-three imaging satellite has been placed into an orbit of 450 kilometers above earth. The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps has carried out the launch, using homegrown satellite carrier Qassed. The Aerospace division of the IRGC launched the first Iranian military Satellite Noor-one in April 2020, and Noor-two in March 2022. This is as Washington imposed strict sanctions on Iran’s civilian space agency in 2019, alleging it is used to advance Tehran’s ballistic missile program. Iran has time and again denied seeking nuclear weapons, stressing that its space program, like its nuclear program, is purely for non-military purposes.

"No western hegemony"

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement has reiterated that his country will not accept any form of Western hegemony. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi urged the Saudi-led coalition to stop the aggression and crippling siege. He argued that the aggression meant to prevent the formation of an independent government in Yemen that does not abide by foreign dictates. Houthi also warned of plots hatched by Yemen’s enemies to divide the country. Meanwhile, he reiterated Yemen’s support for the Palestinian resistance, condemning any form of normalization with the Israeli regime. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi made the remarks in a speech on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad that was marked by huge nationwide rallies in Yemen. 

Iraq wedding tragedy

A massive fire engulfs a Christian wedding ceremony in Iraq's northern province of Ninevah, leaving over a hundred people dead and scores more injured. The fire engulfed a marriage hall in the town of Hamdaniyah where hundreds of guests had gathered for the event. There was no immediate official word on the cause of the blaze but initial reports suggested fireworks at the venue may have sparked the flame. According to medical sources, the majority of injured suffer from burns and asphyxiation, adding that there had also been crowd crushes at the scene. Civil defense officials reported that highly flammable and low-cost building materials helped the flames spread, causing parts of the ceiling to collapse. The provincial governor says the death toll could rise further.

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