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Hamas blasts Israeli regime over surging crime in 1948-occupied territories

Israeli forces operate in village of Sarra near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, on March 12, 2023. (Photo by AP)

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has slammed the Israeli regime over the rising crime rates in the territories occupied by its invading forces in 1948.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Hamas expressed its deep concern over the series of crimes and killings among Palestinians in 1948-occupied territories that left "more than 100 people killed since the start of 2023."

The movement held the Israeli regime "fully responsible" for the spread of crimes in those territories, slamming Tel Aviv authorities over their "deliberate" failure to intervene to stop such incidents.

Hamas also noted that the Israeli authorities turn a blind eye to the spread of weapons among criminal gangs, stressing that the regime is even embroiled in those crimes.

According to the statement, the rising crime comes as part of the regime's plot to further spread terror and chaos among Palestinians in order to "weaken the social fabric of our people" and push Palestinian families to leave their homeland.

Hamas also reiterated its support for all efforts aimed at halting those crimes.

'Israeli forces killed 28 Palestinian kids this year'

Separately, the Tel Aviv-based Haaretz daily reported that regime forces have killed 28 children so far this year in the occupied West Bank and al-Quds.

Most of the victims lost their lives during Israeli raids in the occupied territories, the report said.

Israeli forces launch raids on various cities of the occupied West Bank almost on a daily basis under the pretext of detaining what it calls “wanted” Palestinians. The raids usually lead to violent confrontations with residents.

Over the past months, the Israeli regime has ramped up attacks on Palestinian towns and cities throughout the occupied territories. As a result of the attacks, dozens of Palestinians have been killed and many others have been arrested.

According to Haaretz, Israeli airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip were among the top causes of the death of 28 Palestinian children.

Last month, the Tel Aviv regime launched a ruthless onslaught on the coastal strip, claiming the lives of more than 30 Palestinian civilians, including women and children.

The five-day fighting ended with an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire agreement between the regime and Palestinian resistance movements.

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