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Persian Gulf Day

Iran’s foreign minister says receiving maximum benefits from the Persian Gulf hinges on convergence and cooperation among its littoral states. In a twitter post, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the Persian Gulf’s security should be ensured so that its littoral states would enjoy its benefits. He called the strategic waterway an important part of the indisputable identity of Iran and the region. The top Iranian diplomat made the remarks on National Persian Gulf Day. Iran has, time and again, rejected the presence of foreign forces in the Persian Gulf, saying its littoral states can themselves guarantee the security of the body of water.

Sudan truce extended

In Sudan, the army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces have announced the extension of a truce they have largely violated as sporadic fighting continued on the ground. The latest widely-breached ceasefire was scheduled to formally expire at midnight on Sunday. But the two sides announced an extension for another 72 hours. Sudan's rival military forces accused each other of fresh violations of the ceasefire. This comes as fighting in the capital Khartoum and other parts of the country entered its third week. More than 500 people have been killed since the start of the street battles on April 15. Clashes erupted after weeks of tensions over the proposed integration of the paramilitary group into the African country’s regular army.

UK coronation woes

A British anti-monarchy group has branded as offensive calls by the Archbishop of Canterbury on Britons to swear allegiance to King Charles the Third. The group known as Republic, which is campaigning for the abolition of the British monarchy, said the allegiance call holds the people in contempt. It added that in a democracy, it is the head of state who should be swearing allegiance to the people, not the other way around. The group plans to hold a demonstration on Saturday. The office of the Archbishop of Canterbury has called on all people in the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and other realms and territories to pay homage to the king. The formal coronation of Charles is set to start on May 6. It is predicted that the ceremony will cost tens of millions of pounds and it falls on taxpayers to foot the bill.

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