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Israeli crimes

An Israeli court has rejected a plea to release Palestinian hunger-striking inmate, Sheikh Khader Adnan, despite repeated warnings about his serious health condition. Adnan’s lawyer said an Israeli military court rejected his release on bail after nearly 80 days of hunger strike. The Palestinian Prisoner Society says the 45-year-old lost consciousness several times during the court session due to his deteriorating health condition. It says Adnan who was attending the court session via video conference had also been unable to communicate with his family. The group has warned that the prisoner is at risk of losing his life. Palestinian rights groups say nearly 5,000 Palestinians, including women and children are held in Israeli jails. Many Palestinians are incarcerated under the so-called administrative detention; a policy the regime pursues to keep Palestinians without charge or trial for indefinite periods of time.

Karabakh tensions

Tensions are once again flaring up on the border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Both sides accuse each other of provoking a shootout after Azerbaijan set up a checkpoint on Armenia's only land route to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. Azerbaijan says it wants to stop Armenia using the road to transport weapons. Armenia, meanwhile, says the checkpoint in the Lachin corridor is a gross violation of a ceasefire agreement, which ended the 2020 war. Meanwhile, Baku and Yerevan both denied each other’s claims of cross-border fire. Armenia said one of its forces was killed in the shooting. Nagorno-Karabakh is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan. But its inhabitants are predominantly ethnic Armenians and it broke away from Baku in a war in the early 1990s.

West-Russia tensions

Russia is warning that it will terminate the Black Sea grain deal if the G7 bans exports to the country. Deputy chairman of Russia’s security council, Dmitry Medvedev, says Moscow will also ban many other things that the G7 member states might need. The Group of Seven economic powers is reportedly considering a near-total ban on exports to Russia. The Black Sea deal enables exports of grain from Ukraine. The deal, brokered by the UN and Turkey, was signed last July. The G7 on Sunday called for the extension of the deal, which expires next month. Moscow has repeatedly threatened to scrap its participation in the grain deal, if the West does not lift restrictions on Russian agricultural and fertilizer exports.

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