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China launches major drill after Tsai's US visit, rehearses 'encirclement' of Taiwan

An aircraft of the Air Force under the Eastern Theatre Command of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) attends a combat readiness patrols and "Joint Sword" exercises around Taiwan, from an undisclosed location in this handout image released on April 8, 2023. (Photo by Reuters)

China has launched a three-day military exercise around Taiwan in what it described as a "stern warning" to the self-ruled island after President Tsai Ing-wen paid a visit to the US, holding talks with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The drills, dubbed as "United Sharp Sword", commenced on Saturday and will continue until Monday, said the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) Eastern Theater Command in a statement.

The military drills are rehearsing an "encirclement" of Taiwan, state media reported.

"The task force will simultaneously organize patrols and advances around Taiwan island, shaping an all-round encirclement and deterrence posture," state broadcaster CCTV said.

The maneuvers will be carried out in "the maritime areas and air space of the Taiwan Strait, off the northern and southern coasts of the island, and to the island's east", PLA spokesman Shi Yin further declared as quoted in a report by China's state news agency Xinhua.

"These operations serve as a stern warning against the collusion between separatist forces seeking 'Taiwan independence' and external forces and against their provocative activities," Shi emphasized.

The military drills will also include live-fire drills on Monday off the coast of China's Fujian province, which faces Taiwan, the local maritime authority further pointed out in a statement.

The new exercises came on the heels of the provocative meeting held in Los Angeles between Tsai and McCarthy, enraging China, which regards self-ruled Taiwan as part of its territory and has vowed to eventually take it over, by force if necessary.

Taipei's defense ministry on Saturday said the drills threatened regional stability.

Tsai returned to Taiwan on Friday after visiting her island's diminishing band of official diplomatic allies in Latin America, with two US stopovers that included meetings with McCarthy and other lawmakers.

Taiwan's defense ministry said eight Chinese warships and 42 fighter jets were detected around the island on Saturday.

Hours before her meeting with McCarthy on Wednesday, China sent its Shandong aircraft carrier through Taiwan's southeastern waters on its way to the western Pacific.

Last August, China deployed warships, missiles, and fighter jets around Taiwan in its largest show of force in years, following a trip to the island by McCarthy's predecessor, Nancy Pelosi.

The drills also follow the departure from Beijing of French President Emmanuel Macron and EU chief Ursula von der Leyen.

US legislator vows military training for Taiwan forces

A senior American lawmaker vowed on Saturday to help provide training for Taiwan's armed forces and to speed up delivery of weapons to the island.

Speaking at a lunch in Taipei hosted by Tsai for his bipartisan delegation, Chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee Michael McCaul underlined that the visit was intended to demonstrate strong support of Taipei.

"As the House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, I sign off on all foreign military sales, including weapons to Taiwan, and I promise you, Madam President, we will deliver those weapons," the Republican lawmaker emphasized.

"We are doing everything we can in Congress to speed up these sales and get the weapons that you need to defend yourselves," he added.

Taiwan has complained of delays to deliveries of American weapons since last year, as US arms makers turn supplies to Ukraine to support its war effort against Russia.

While a military pact between Taipei and Washington ended in 1979 when the US severed formal diplomatic ties in favor of Beijing, a close military relationship between them endures as the US remains Taiwan's main foreign source of arms.

China describes Taiwan as the most sensitive and important issue in its relations with the US, and the topic remains a constant source of friction between Beijing and Washington.

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