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Russia's new doctrine

Russia says it has adopted a new foreign policy doctrine, prioritizing the elimination of Western dominance in global politics. The new foreign policy outlines how Russia could take symmetrical and asymmetric measures in response to unfriendly actions against it. The concept also identifies China and India as Russia's key partners. The 42-page document was presented by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. In a televised address, Lavrov said Russia faced existential threats to its security and development from unfriendly states. The top diplomat said that Washington is the main instigator and driver of anti-Russian sentiment adding that the West is trying to weaken Russia in every possible way through a new type of hybrid war. Relations between Russia and Western countries plunged to their lowest level following the start of the Russia-Ukraine war last year.

Israeli strikes on Syria

Syria has slammed what it calls fascist Israeli military attacks. It says the regime is in close coordination with terrorist groups to prolong the crisis in the Arab country and drain its resources. The Syrian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the latest Israeli air strikes near Damascus come just days after a terrorist attack against its military forces near Aleppo in the north of the country. Israel carried out a missile strike near Damascus on Thursday night, the second round of aerial attacks in the area in less than 24 hours. Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says one of its military advisors was killed during the attack. The IRGC said the Israeli crime will not go unanswered. The Iranian Foreign Ministry says the international community’s failure to give a deterrent response has emboldened Israel to keep violating Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Trump indictment

Donald Trump has become the first former US president to face criminal prosecution. The indictment by a grand jury in New York comes after a years-long investigation into alleged hush money paid by Trump’s personal lawyer to adult film actress Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. The charges have not been made public. Trump is expected to be arraigned on Tuesday. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has called for protests against what he describes as political persecution and election interference at the highest level in history. Trump has also appealed to his supporters to provide money for a legal defense. Meanwhile, a small number of Trump supporters rallied at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida. His indictment has divided public opinion in the country.

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