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Gazans slam death of elderly Palestinian woman in Israeli jail

Ashraf Shannon
Press TV, Gaza

Prisoners’ rights activists and families of Palestinians held up in Israeli prisons held a sit-in inside the office of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza to demand justice for late Palestinian prisoner Sadiya Farajalla Matar.

68-year-old Sadiya who was the oldest Palestinian female prisoner died Saturday in Israeli custody due to medical negligence.

The protesters also condemned Tel-Aviv’s inhumane treatment of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails.

Palestinian prisoners are held in 24 Israeli prisons and detention centers where they are denied basic human rights.

Sadiya Farajalla Matar was suffering from several chronic diseases, including diabetes and heart problems.

During a press conference the Islamic Jihad Movement condemned Israel’s inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners especially those suffering from chronic medical conditions.

People here are calling on the international community to end its silence and help Palestinian prisoners.

Israel currently holds thousands of Palestinians in its prisons and detention centers.

Experts say medical negligence is part of the inhumane measures taken against Palestinian prisoners.

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