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Adoption of anti-Iran resolution during JCPOA talks violated spirit of accord: President Raeisi

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi (R) and Swiss ambassador to Tehran Nadine Olivieri Lozano meet on July 4, 2022. (Photo by

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi says the measure taken by the United States and its European allies to pass an anti-Tehran resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) while talks on the revival of the 2015 deal were underway was a violation of the letter and spirit of the accord.

Raeisi made the remarks in a Monday meeting with the new Swiss ambassador to Tehran Nadine Olivieri Lozano, during which he expressed Iran’s readiness to boost trade, economic and political relations with all countries to a maximum level, including Switzerland.

Reflecting on the recent anti-Iranian resolution adopted by the IAEA’s Board of Governors, which was drafted by the US and its European allies, Raeisi said the measure “taken while the negotiations were underway to reach an agreement [on the revival of the 2015 deal] was irresponsible and violated the spirit of the talks and agreement, and exposed the conflict in their approach [to Iran].”

“The United States must make a decision to abide by the requirements of the negotiations and the agreement,” Iran’s chief executive said.

Pointing to "miscalculations" of the US and Europe about Iran, Raeisi expressed hope that the new Swiss envoy would convey the existing realities in Iran to Switzerland and other countries so that they would understand that Tehran has managed to make progress despite hostile approaches and that their arrogant policies have backfired.

The IAEA's Board of Governors adopted the resolution on June 8, accusing Iran of not cooperating with the agency. The resolution was approved with 30 votes in favor, two against and three abstentions.

It came as Iran and the five remaining parties to the multilateral deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), have held several rounds of negotiations in the Austrian capital of Vienna since April last year to restore the agreement, which was unilaterally abandoned by former US President Donald Trump in May 2018.

In quitting the agreement, Trump restored sanctions on Iran as part of what he called the “maximum pressure” campaign against the country. Those sanctions are being enforced to this day by the Joe Biden administration, even though it has repeatedly acknowledged that the policy has been a mistake and a failure.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said on Friday that the JCPOA revival talks can succeed if the United States acts realistically and provides Tehran with robust guarantees that it will be able to fully reap the economic benefits of the deal.

In a tweet, the top Iranian diplomat emphasized that the Islamic Republic will pursue the diplomatic endeavor with “power” and “rationality.”

History will not forget US’ crimes against Vietnam: Raeisi

In another meeting on Monday, Raeisi received the credentials of the new Vietnamese ambassador to Tehran, Luong Quoc Huy.

Raeisi said the current level of relations between Tehran and Hanoi was not commensurate with their diverse potentialities, calling for the two countries' joint economic cooperation commission to hold regular sessions.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Raeisi praised the Vietnamese nation as a people who have stood against colonialism and hegemony, saying, “History will never forget the crimes that the United States committed against the people of Vietnam.”

The Vietnamese diplomat, for his part, hailed Iranians as a peace-loving nation with rich culture, history and civilization.

He added that Iran has succeeded in making great achievements and progress despite years of sanctions and pressure, and noted that Hanoi would make efforts to boost trade and economic cooperation with Tehran.

Removal of oppressive sanctions will pave way for cooperation: Raeisi

Also on Monday, Raeisi received the credentials of Lithuania’s accredited ambassador to Tehran, Richard S Digotis, once again slamming the US and its allies for adoption of the IAEA’s anti-Tehran resolution amid the JCPOA revival talks.

The Iranian president said the "brazen" move by the US and European states run counter to the rules of the JCPOA and talks about its revival.

"The removal of cruel sanctions against Iran will prepare the ground for an agreement and cooperation," he added.

He emphasized that Western countries should remain committed to their obligations as per the JCPOA.

"As verified by all observers, the Islamic Republic of Iran has lived up to its commitments based on the agreement but instead, the United States has withdrawn from this deal and the European countries have also reneged on their commitments," Raeisi pointed out.

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