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Analyst: ‘US is the cause of much of the misery of the colonially oppressed nations'

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and US President Joe Biden (Reuters photos)

Most of the people in the colonial oppressed countries still see the US as that “shining city on the hill,” despite being the cause of much of their miseries, according to an American political analyst.

“The people outside of the United States who love the US are winners in an American coup, their business community, and those who are so disenfranchised that they still see the United States as that 'shining city on the hill' and yearning to escape to there,”  Myles Hoenig told Press TV on Tuesday

“Americans have a sense of entitlement and 'exceptionalism' who feel the best things in life for the world is American-inspired. People without hope see America as a mecca and will do all they can to come here. Those who enjoy the riches that come with an American coup have little concern for these people, as austerity is usually the number one economic policy accepted by the new government. Austerity only hurts the poor and benefits the well off,” he added.

Hoenig was responding to a question posed by former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan who on Monday asked US President Joe Biden's administration whether anti-American sentiment in Pakistan had increased or decreased after "indulging in a regime change conspiracy".

“My question for the Biden Administration: By indulging in a regime change conspiracy to remove a democratically elected PM of a country of over 220 million people to bring in a puppet PM, do you think you have lessened or increased anti-American sentiment in Pakistan?” he tweeted.


My question for the Biden Administration: By indulging in a regime change conspiracy to remove a democratically elected PM of a country of over 220 mn people to bring in a puppet PM, do you think you have lessened or increased anti-American sentiment in Pakistan?

— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) May 2, 2022


Khan lost a no-confidence vote in his leadership last month after opposition parties brought a motion against him, following days of drama.

Shahbaz Sharif, the younger brother of three-time Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, led the bid to topple Khan. He was later appointed the country’s new prime minister.


If anyone had any doubts abt US regime change conspiracy this video should remove all doubts as to why a democratically elected PM & his govt were removed. Clearly the US wants an obedient puppet as PM who will not allow Pak choice of neutrality in a European war;

— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) May 2, 2022


Khan, who had antagonized the White House throughout his tenure, has accused Washington of orchestrating his ouster. On Sunday, he repeated the allegations that a “foreign conspiracy” was behind efforts to remove him from power.

Since coming to power in 2018, Khan has adopted anti-American rhetoric, while expressing a desire to align Pakistan more closely with China and more recently with Russia. He held talks with President Vladimir Putin on February 24, the day the Russian leader ordered troops into Ukraine.

‘Trump has never been held accountable for any of his crimes’

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hoenig commented on a report which said the month of May brings Donald Trump the biggest test of his political clout since the end of his presidency, as candidates he has endorsed contest Republican primaries that will set the stage for November's midterm congressional elections.

Trump-backed candidates in Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina face active and well-funded challengers seeking the Republican nomination to run for US Senate. The former president has also backed a challenger to Georgia's sitting Republican governor, who angered Trump by rejecting his claims that his 2020 election defeat was the result of fraud, Reuters reported.

Hoenig said Trump “has never been honestly held accountable for any of his crimes” and that the King Maker is being tested, but success or failure won't be known until 2024.

“Conventional wisdom would say that if Trump’s candidates lose this month it would show his own strength as a candidate in decline, but that’s not necessarily so. After all, he lost the presidency yet became the #1 Republican choice for 2024. What keeps the Trump mystique going is how he’s able to manipulate a situation to his advantage,” he stated.

“Of course, if his candidates win, he’ll trumpet it as Trump the King Maker and so many Republicans will be running for their political lives- those few that openly oppose him and those who run to worship at his feet and kiss his ring. This success could also backfire as the more outrageous candidates win in the primaries they could be more easily defeated in a right-wing national electorate that just isn’t as fascistic, hateful, and bigoted as his choices are. It’s one of those be careful what you wish for scenarios. 2020s fight in Georgia was just that, where his candidates lost and it cost the Republicans the Senate,” he said.

“If Trump’s choices come out on the short end of the stick he can, and likely, blame the Republican Party establishment for sabotaging the MAGA steamroller. For him, it is never his fault and he’s smart enough not to blame the Republican voters. His fight is with the establishment as he really cares very little for everyone else but himself. If his candidates lose he’s more than likely not to endorse the winners in the General Election in November, hurting the Republicans’ chance of retaking either of the Chambers. When and if that happens, and if some do lose in the General, he can go back to saying that he was right all along and he still is the King Maker,” the analyst said.

“Trump has never been honestly held accountable for any of his crimes, whether they be in business, politics or personal life. This May will not be a breaking point test for him as he knows how to extend deadlines infinitum,” he concluded.


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