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Palestinian refugees in Lebanon mark Land Day

Mariam Saleh
Press TV, Beirut

Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas in Lebanon held a mass Rally to commemorate Land day in the southern town of Saida.

Hamas leaders considered this event as an occasion not only to remember Palestine, but a day to resist.

Hamas also says Israeli policies of annexing land and building settlements have not stopped the Palestinian nationals from their struggle.

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, many of whom were born and raised in Lebanon say they grow more attached to Palestine day by day, and every generation becomes even more determined to return.

Speakers at the rally stressed that the resistance in Palestine is stronger than ever with the support it has from the entire resistance alliance in the region.

Land Day is commemorated by Palestinians all over the world as a pivotal date to mark their attachment to their land. With recent unprecedented events, the people’s resistance even in land occupied by Israel in 1948 is growing even more vibrant making the dream of liberating Palestine for many Palestinians here more possible than any time in the past.

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