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The UK enters third lockdown as COVID-19 cases soar

Bianca Rahimi

Press TV, London

The Prime Minister made the announcement Monday. The country will go back to its 2020 mantra: “Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.” Boris Johnson warned there were going to be tough weeks ahead, but still offered a ray of hope.

Some children across England had one day in school before the announcement was made and people are vexed by yet another last minute announcement.

The opposition says the government is going to make mistakes, but to make the same mistake again is unacceptable. But Boris Johnson insists the tier system was working, and that the new variant of Covid-19 is what derailed it.

The third lockdown will be hard for families juggling work and school, but many companies in the leisure, retail and hospitality sectors feel they might not make it through to spring. In response to these fears the Chancellor of the Exchequer made an announcement Tuesday.

The new Covid-19 restrictions come days after the UK and EU reached a trade and security agreement as part of their Brexit divorce deal and businesses in Britain had to start trading differently. They were dreading this but now they say planning around virus restrictions has made the extra paperwork surrounding post-Brexit trade pail into insignificance.

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