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Saudi warplanes attack Houthi sites in Yemeni capital: Report

This file photo shows a Saudi Royal Air Force fighter jet.

Saudi fighter jets have reportedly conducted airstrikes on positions belonging to the Houthi Ansarullah movement in Yemen’s capital city of Sana’a.

Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV channel reported that the aerial assaults targeted Houthi barracks and military sites early on Sunday and destroyed four drones at al-Delmi air base north of Sana’a.

On Saturday, Yemen's al-Masirah television network reported six Saudi air raids on the Military Engineering Department in Sana’a’s Shoub district.

Saudi warplanes, the report said, also targeted a citizen's farm in Sana’a’s Bani Heshaesh district.

The strikes come a few days after Yemeni armed forces launched missile and drones strikes against a strategic target in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in retaliation for the regime’s deadly bombing campaign and inhumane siege on their country.

Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree said Thursday that a domestically-developed Zofaqar ballistic missile and four Samad-3 drones were used to hit the “important target” in Riyadh.

The Saudi-led coalition, however, claimed that it had intercepted and destroyed ballistic missiles and explosive drones launched towards the kingdom.

Since early 2015, Riyadh and a coalition of its vassal states have been engaged in a military campaign against Yemen in a futile attempt to reinstall a Saudi-friendly government there.

The Western-backed war, which has been accompanied by a crippling blockade of Yemen, has killed tens of thousands of people and afflicted the already-poorest Arabian Peninsula nation with the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” according to the UN.

Backed by the armed forces and allied popular groups, the Houthi movement has been defending Yemen against the Saudi-led offensive.

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