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Thousands gather for Welsh independence march in Merthyr Tydfil

Ahmed Kaballo 

Press TV, London

These are the scenes that would worry the most ardent Unionist, thousands gathered to loudly voice their support for a Wales free from Westminster control.

The growing number of Welsh independence rallies and the increase in those taking part, marks a wider trend of nations making up the United Kingdom who seem keen to go it alone. 

The question is often asked about how a country the size of Wales and home to just over 3 million people can break away from London. 

The chaos of Brexit has managed to increase support for the Welsh independence movement. 

It seems the very reasons that Britain has pushed for its own divorce from Brussels – control of its own affairs, laws and resources- are those that campaigners for Welsh independence are citing. It would seem the biggest irony if an exit from the EU served to finally break up the United Kingdom.

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