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Dems better for workers than GOP, US labor leader says

A worker walks on a part of the almost completed monumental sculpture called The Vessel by Thomas Heatherwick in the Hudson Yards development zone on August 31, 2018 in New York City. (AFP photo)

Workers in the United States do not have good conditions despite US President Donald Trump’s claims, says the country’s labor leader.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka criticized the president over the issue in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

“We said when [Trump] was elected that when he did something good for workers, we’d support him. When he did something bad for workers, we’d oppose him,” Trumka said, adding that the US president has not done enough for American workers.

When reminded that unemployment is supposedly down to 3.9 percent and employment numbers have held steady, he asserted that Trump is still falling short.

“Those are good, but wages have been down since the first of the year, and gas prices have been up since the first of the year,” said Trumka (pictured above). “So workers really aren’t doing that well.”

He further noted that his party would only focus on the candidates’ plans for workers in the upcoming November midterm election.

“It’s not about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about electing candidates who will protect the working people of this country,” Trumka said, admitting that “unfortunately, the reality is Democrats support working people more than Republicans.”

Trumka also commented on Trump’s threats against North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), saying it has had a “devastating” impact on the workers.

“NAFTA has had a devastating effect on the working people of this country for the last 20 years,” he said. “We’re trying to reach a deal that benefits all three countries, and we’re not there yet… What we need is an agreement that we can enforce, no matter who’s in the White House.”

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