Here is a brief look at Press TV Newsroom's headlines from 0900 GMT to 1700 GMT, July 25, 2018.

Pakistan bombing

Bloodshed in Pakistan as people cast their ballots in the county’s general elections. At least 30 people were killed in a bomb attack in the western city of Quetta. Daesh terrorists claimed responsibility for the attack. It came only hours after the voting got underway across the country. More than 100-million registered voters are eligible to cast their ballots. 272 National Assembly seats are up for grabs. None of the three major parties are expected to win a clear majority. The country’s powerful military is accused of having swayed the public opinion in favor of one of the candidates.

Gaza power crisis

Palestinians in Gaza have been suffering from power crisis for over a decade now. The crisis has now gotten worse as the sole power plant in the enclave has shut down. Halla Al-safadi has more on this.

Israeli settlements

Israel is said to have approved the construction of 270 new settler units in the occupied West Bank. Israeli media say 170 settlements will be built in the town of Khader, southwest of Bethlehem and the rest will be built in Beit Ta’mir, east of Bethlehem. Israel has dramatically increased the construction of settlement units in the occupied West Bank in recent years, especially after US President Donald Trump took office in 2017. Under international law, all Israeli settlement activities are illegal.

Syria deadly attacks

A bloody, tragic day for Syria… multiple bomb attacks kill scores of people in the country’s south. The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has put the death toll at over one hundred and fifty. Dozens of others are wounded in the attacks which took place in the city of Suwayda. Daesh terrorists claimed responsibility for the bloodshed. Syrian sources say government troops managed to kill several Daesh members who were planning to carry out more attacks. The province of Suwayda is under the control of the government but it is sometimes targeted from neighboring provinces of Dara’a and Quneitra which are partly controlled by terrorists.

Trump ‘empty threats’

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has dismissed his US counterpart’s rhetoric as empty threats, saying they’re not worth a reaction. Speaking at a cabinet meeting, Rouhani said resistance is Iran’s toughest response to the US threats and plots against the country. Over the weekend, Donald Trump warned Iran of unprecedented consequences if it threatens the US. This, after Rouhani said the US is twisting the lion’s tail by making efforts to bloc Iran’s oil exports. The war of words follows the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal in May.


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