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Torrential rains trigger severe flooding in south China

A man talks on his mobile phone in front of a car stranded on a flooded road, amid heavy rainfall, in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, on June 8, 2018. (Photo by Reuters)

A severe bout of torrential rain has battered southern China, causing widespread disruption for residents across several districts there.

The heavy downpour in Guangzhou City, the capital of China’s southern Guangdong Province, caused severe waterlogging and flooded dozens of shops on Sunday morning.

Local police were forced to set up a temporary cordon and impose traffic restrictions for safety concerns.

Some vehicles were submerged in water as their owners had no time to move their cars from low-lying places in the rain.

“When the rain was about to stop, I came over and saw my car was badly submerged. As there’s so much water there, rescue vehicles and trailers can’t come close. I could only ask some workers to help me push the car to a higher and dry place, so that it won’t be soaked for too long. That’s all I could do,” said a resident.

In the downtown area, the floors of many shops were inundated, and commuters were unable to go home due to the waterlogging.

Media reports said no one had been trapped in vehicles and that municipality officials had ordered flooded cars to be towed away as waters receded.

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