Russian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Vassily Nebenzia speaks in the Security Council after the United Kingdom called for an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council to update council members on the investigation into the recent nerve agent attack in Salisbury, United Kingdom on March 14, 2018 in New York City. (Photo by AFP)

Here is a brief look at Press TV newsroom's headlines from 18:00 GMT, March 14, 2017 to 08:00 GMT, March 15, 2017.


Demanding proof

Moscow has demanded that material proof be provided of allegedly found Russian trace in the recent poisoning of a former double spy in the UK. Vasily Nebenzya was speaking at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council requested by Britain to rally support in its standoff with Russia. Nebenzya also condemned as completely unjustified, London’s accusations against Moscow over the poisoning of ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. Speaking in the same meeting, Britain's deputy ambassador to the UN, Jonathan Allen, accused Russia of breaking its obligations under the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Meanwhile, the US ambassador to the UN blamed Russia for the attack.

‘Free Zakzaky’

People in the Nigerian capital Abuja have once again staged a rally to express their support for imprisoned Muslim cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky. The protesters called for the immediate release of Zakzaky, and chanted slogans against the government’s heavy-handed policies. The prominent Muslim cleric was seriously wounded and detained in a violent raid by the army on his residence in the northern Nigerian town of Zaria in 2015. More than 300 of his followers and three of his sons were killed during the raid. Despite court verdicts, the Nigerian government has refused to release him, and kept him behind bars.

Pakistan blast

At least nine people have been killed in a bomb blast that shook the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore. Most of the victims were police forces. At least 27 other people were injured by a motorcycle bomb that went off near a checkpoint. The police post was close to a mosque that belongs to a religious congregation named Tablighi Jamaat. Pakistan’s main pro-Taliban group, Tehrik-e Taliban have claimed the responsibility for the attack and said it was a suicide bombing.

Targeting terrorists

Syrian government forces are pressing ahead with their operation against militants in Eastern Ghouta. According to a pro-opposition monitor, government troops entered Hammuriyeh and managed to retake control of the town. Earlier, Syrian troops seized parts of the town of Jisrin amid fierce clashes with militants. They also targeted a command center of a militant group, known as Failaq al-Rahman, in another Eastern Ghouta area. Syrian troops, backed by the Russian air force, launched the ground offensive to take back Eastern Ghouta more than three weeks ago.

Bahrain crackdown

Bahraini regime forces have attacked anti-government protesters in several regions. Police fired tear gas to disperse the demonstrators. The protesters were carrying banners stressing that resistance is the only way against Manama’s repression. The protests were held on the anniversary of Saudi Arabia’s military deployment to the country. In mid-March 2011, Riyadh brought its troops to Bahrain to help Manama crush the popular uprising in the Persian Gulf kingdom. Scores of people have lost their lives and hundreds of others have been injured or arrested as a result of the crackdown.

World Bank warning

The World Bank says people living under a dire economic situation in the besieged Gaza Strip can no longer survive by using international aid alone. In a report, the international financial institution said Gaza must be connected to the outside world for its economic survival. The report says recovery and development efforts must address the impacts of the Israeli siege on Gaza’s trade. It also cites the Egyptian blockade on the coastal enclave. The appeal comes ahead of a meeting by world powers in Rome to discuss the future of the UN relief agency which is tasked with helping Palestinians. The agency is under threat following cuts to its funding by the US administration.

Peace promotion

A South Korean official, who has been leading diplomatic efforts to ease tensions with the North, says the ground is ready for reaching a peaceful arrangement with Pyongyang. Chung added that the Chinese President Xi Jinping has also encouraged South Korea's initiative to nurture peaceful engagement with the North. The South Korean official has briefed Chinese and Russian officials about his last week meeting with North Korean authorities. He has managed to arrange a summit between the leaders of the two Koreas and the United States. This came after North Korean leader Kim Jong-un told a South Korean delegation that he’s open to addressing the issue of denuclearization   with Washington. The US President accepted the offer and a meeting is expected to be held in May.

Deadly deal

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif uses recently-released statistics to slam the United States over its arms sales to the Middle East region. In his twitter, Zarif published a photo by The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, saying Washington transfers half of its weapons exports to the region. He added that the bulk of the sales go to “inexperienced and adventurist leaders” who are engaged in war crimes. The top Iranian diplomat then described as funny US accusations against the Islamic Republic as being the source of instability. Earlier this week, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reported that the US has increased the sale of its weapons by 25 percent over the past five years.

Teachers tear-gassed

Brazilian police clash with teachers in the city of Sao Paulo as they protest against a controversial social security project. Police forces fired tear gas to disperse the teachers chanting anti-government slogans in front of the city hall. The municipal educators have been on strike since March 8, denouncing a proposed reform which would entail a raise of civil servant taxes for at least 3 percent. The proposal also includes the creation of a supplementary rate that could take the tax rate even higher. The walkout has affected 93 percent of Sao Paulo's municipal schools in the past week.

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