These are the headlines we are tracking for you in this episode of On the News Line:
Saudi Arabia/Lebanon tensions: threat of war looming?
As tensions between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon are rising, so are speculations over whether this could lead to a war and which other parties would be involved in it. There have recently been indications that the Saudis are planning to use Israel’s help in their campaign against Lebanon. And the Israelis have apparently responded back. Reports say Israel has instructed its embassies worldwide to lobby their respective host countries in support of Saudi Arabia’s efforts against not only Lebanon and the Hezbollah resistance movement but also Iran. Reports also say the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wanted the cable to go public in a move meant to tell the Saudis he was ready to help them. This is already seen as the first formal confirmation of an unlikely cooperation between the Saudis and the Israelis over what many believe could only lead to new crises in the region. And the implications will of course expand well into the future.
Poland nationalist march
Thousands of people have flooded the streets of Warsaw to mark the anniversary of Poland’s independence in 1918. But a majority of those who took part in the mass rally were supporters of far right groups and nationalists. Over the past couple of years, Independence Day has become an occasion for the promotion of such views. The event is even drawing to Poland, nationalists from Ukraine, Estonia, Russia and the US. While Muslims make up less than one percent of the Polish population, they have specifically become the target of such gatherings in the wake of Europe’s refugee crisis. Poland has refused to take in asylum seekers with officials claiming that people of Muslim background are a threat to national security. Such anti-Muslim statements have been a factor behind a surge in hatred toward the religious minority group.